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Saturday, May 29, 2010

My take on VMC's selection rates

Please do let me know if there is an error in my calculation, but this is what I can say based on my impression. (Please let me know the exact statistics. I think in VMC, about 200 students are taken in the main list and about 15000 students sit for the admission test)
Selection rate in IITs= approximately 8000/470000=1.7%

Students qualifying for VMC=200/15000=1.3%

Assuming that all the students who sit for VMC admission test also write IIT JEE and all the students who do qualify VMC test get selected in IIT JEE , still VMC is doing poorer than the average statistical selection rate in IITs.

Add to this the fact that out of 200 who do join VMC , only about 50% actually make it to IITs. That makes it 100/15000=0.7%. This is far below even the statistical chance of selection in to IITs (which is 1.7%).

Any take on that?

Disclaimer: This is not to hurt anyone but just a curious thought that crossed my mind.

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