Friday, March 26, 2010


Another one of my favorite quotation from Zig Ziglar

"You can have anything in life that you want so long as you help others achieve what they want"

"Don't sweat the small stuff, and its all small stuff"

Title of a book by Richard Carlson

"There is misery

There is a cause of misery

There is a release from misery

Context: Only things worth contemplating. Misery, Its cause and the method that gives release from misery.

Intention-Attention-No Tension

(Forgot the source book. The idea is that if we start paying attention to our intentions, we need not harbor any tension (The tensions begin to dissipate once we get in to flow. We start doing the work instead of again and again simply looking at the work and procrastinating).

"I am not asking you to feel happy about the present moment, I am just asking you to accept the 'isness' of the present moment."
- Eckhart Tolle-The Power of Now

Unlike most self help authors, who ask us to be always happy about the moment (Which sounds artificial to me at times), I prefer Eckhart's approach, which is more about always feeling tranquil rather than happy, i.e. accepting the isness of NOW. The moment just 'is'. The feeling just 'is'... Happiness just is... Sadness just is... Sounds pretty much the essence of Theravada Buddhism.

To understand what I mean, try reading "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle. I really felt very peaceful while reading it. I had long periods of tranquility after reading and meditating on it. I think I need to read it again and again and practice it.

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